This study analyses the environmental and financial sustainability of solid waste management in Indian cities.

Pune, the second-largest city in Maharashtra after Mumbai, offers a shining example of what a city can do to manage the growing menace of garbage as it urbanises at a rapid pace.

Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan, is a major tourist attraction not only for foreign tourists “doing” the Golden Triangle circuit of Agra, Delhi and Jaipur but also domestic tourists who visit

We Indians have got so used to seeing garbage spilling over from municipal dustbins at street corners and often even strewn around in open public spaces, that we accept this phenomenon as inevitable. We look the other way with what seems like futile hope that some day, someone will find a solution to our problem and rid us of this major health hazard of urban living in India.

The integrated solid waste management project in Kanpur offers hope. Located on the western bank of the Ganga, Kanpur is an important industrial city of Uttar Pradesh, the largest state in India. With a population of 36 lakh (3.6 million) and a total area of 260 sq kilometres,

Until recently, Bhopal was like any other Indian city — with little evidence of public transport and fast-growing private vehicle ownership, with its implications for high petrol consumption and ai

We are so used to turning our eyes away when we see somebody defecating in the open that we fail to reflect on this widespread practice, prevalent much more in India than in other countries.

When you visit the beautiful green grounds covering an area close to 48 acres in Gorai, in the western suburbs of Mumbai, by the side of a creek overlooking Asia

The objective of this study is to prepare a medium-term strategy for the recovery and growth of the industrial sector in Punjab against the backdrop of resurgent growth in the Indian economy, the improved performance of the industrial sector generally
across India, and the expanding opportunities offered by the greater integration of the Indian economy with the rest of the world.