Globally, disasters due to natural hazards takes an enormous toll in terms of human lives, destruction to crops and livelihoods, and economic losses. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) has therefore become a critical part of sustainable development strategies.

This publication provides guidance for terrestrial, marine, and freshwater protected area managers at both system and site levels on the restoration of natural and associated values of protected areas.

Protected Landscapes are a strong option for biodiversity conservation in human-influenced landscapes and seascapes. They often contain threatened or endemic species. There is now also a growing interest in the nature conservation benefits of protected landscapes. But do protected landscapes really protect wild biodiversity?

A new analysis by FAO on how climate change affects or will likely affect wild animals and their habitats. It focuses on tropical terrestrial wildlife and its habitats, but other fauna, ecosystems and geographical regions are covered as well.

Healthy ecosystems play a vital role in providing food and clean water, controlling infectious diseases, absorbing wastes, regulating climate and are the source of much of the cultural,

This report clearly articulates how protected areas contribute significantly to reducing impacts of climate change and what is needed for them to achieve even more. It asserts that adaptation is a mechanism to protect and maintain ecosystem integrity, buffer local climate, reduce risks and impacts from extreme events such as storms, droughts and sea-level rise.

The following guidelines are offered to help in application of
the IUCN protected area management categories, which classify