Lending support to the European Union plans to charge airlines for carbon emissions, European Union environment commissioner Janez Potocnik emphasised that the Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) was introduced to help ensure it reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020.

Should there be a financial cost to the services provided by mountain ecosystems?

During the last fortnight, India’s foremost wildlife experts have dashed off three consecutive letters to environment minister Jayanti Natarajan questioning the entire process of giving clearance to forest projects.

Conservationists Pravee-n Bhargava, Belinda Wright and Shekar Dattari, have in their letters demanded that pristine forest land should not be allowed to get fragmented.

The ministry of environment & forests (MoEF) have cancelled the environmental clearance (EC) to the Vedanta-owned Sesa Goa Ltd for an iron ore mine located in Pirna in North Goa on grounds of suppression of vital information.

The myth that environmental regulations were throttling the country’s growth was busted by the Centre for Science & Environment (CSE) which has found that an unprecedented number of environment and forest clearances have been granted to five key industry sectors during the 11th Five Year Plan.

 The compensation cheques in lieu of land acquisition have been lying in the Ratnagiri collector's office for several months now

Gro Harlem Brundtland, - former Prime - Minister of Norway . and now a UN r , envoy on climate change, says that environmental concerns will have r to be followed - by decisive political action
THIRTY-EIGHT years ago, Indira Gandhi was the only Prime Minister to attend the historic UN Con- ference on Human Environ- ment in Stockholm in 1972.
