Climate change could aggravate threats posed by land use changes

Farmers in 14 villages across the State will soon be equipped with hi- tech and precision farming methods to boost the production of banana and vegetables.

By adopting a policy decision to switch over to organic farming, Kerala could be chasing a delusion, according to S.Ganesan, chairman, International Treaties Expert Committee, Indian Chemical Council.

Talking to The Hindu on the sidelines of a national seminar on `WTO, FTAs and Impact on Agriculture and Allied Sectors’ organised by the WTO Cell of the Department of Agriculture here on Thursday, he said the organic farming policy announced by Kerala revealed the lack of commercial acumen.

Despite ensuring ample availability of food, existence of food insecurity at the micro-level in the country has remained a formidable challenge for India.

Help of local self-government institutions to be sought

The Kerala State Biodiversity Board (KSBB) is preparing to launch a campaign highlighting the need to prevent the destruction of plants during sanitation drives taken up by local self-government institutions.Board chairman R.V. Varma told The Hindu that directions would be communicated to local bodies to sensitise workers engaged for projects taken up under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) .