The adoption of Nagoya Protocol was a landmark event in the history of Convention on Biological Diversity. This article examines the promises and potentials of the Protocol for indigenous peoples and local communities in ight of previous experiences in Access and Benefit Sharing framework.

UNESCO as an agency of United Nations has been active in capacity building in basic sciences, environmental and earth sciences as well as science policy, and has helped to launch many global programmes, among these some relating to biotechnology, biosphere reserves, biodiversity and sustainable development.

Many proponents of organic farming, including well-known activists and NGOs, are vehemently opposed to the introduction of genetic engineering in agriculture and skeptical that biotechnology firms could in any way advance

The SPS Agreement in the WTO gives legal validity to the CODEX standards. Since the developed countries have been at the forefront of setting the food standards in the CODEX, the developing countries have been increasingly engaged in the CODEX, and also in the WTO, with an objective to increase their exports of the agricultural and food products.

The SPS Agreement in the WTO gives legal validity to the CODEX standards. Since the developed countries have been at the forefront of setting the food standards in the CODEX, the developing countries have been increasingly engaged in the CODEX, and also in the WTO, with an objective to increase their exports of the agricultural and food products.

Since the last decade crop improvement using genetic engineering tools is one of the alternative approaches to increase and stabilise agricultural production in the world. However, producing a transgenic plant is a long and expensive process.

Some countries in West Africa are considering the potential adoption of insect resistant cotton. Burkina Faso has already approved commercial cultivation of this technology. This paper presents the results of a socio economic impact assessment of the potential adoption of insect resistant cotton in West Africa using an augmented economic surplus model to consider risk and parameter uncertainty.
