Five years ago, India was a hostile place for researchers testing genetically modified (GM) crops. Its government barred the commercial planting of a transgenic aubergine (a vegetable locally known as brinjal) after protests from anti-GM activists. Then it gave state governments the power to veto transgenic-crop field trials. The result: an effective moratorium on such trials.

As Lok Sabha elections 2014 in India ends with vote-counting on 16 May 2014, this paper published in Nature warns that with two of the three main parties making scant mention of science in their manifestos, Indian science will not get the boost it needs to become internationally competitive. Says that whichever party wins, the government must do more than pay lip service to science.

India’s first mission to Mars has successfully blasted off on its 300-day journey to the red planet. The Mars Orbiter Mission, or Mangalyaan, launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota on 5 November. It is scheduled to start circling the planet and taking data in September 2014.

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This paper is an encrypt of the intervention made under 'biodiversity conservation through community based natural resource management in Bokaro river basin' in Jharkhand state.

The aim of this study is to determine impact of water harvesting structures construction in recent past on inflow capacity of lake Fatehsagar, Udaipur.

In many ways, 2009 will prove to be a historic year.

The SPS Agreement in the WTO gives legal validity to the CODEX standards. Since the developed countries have been at the forefront of setting the food standards in the CODEX, the developing countries have been increasingly engaged in the CODEX, and also in the WTO, with an objective to increase their exports of the agricultural and food products.

The SPS Agreement in the WTO gives legal validity to the CODEX standards. Since the developed countries have been at the forefront of setting the food standards in the CODEX, the developing countries have been increasingly engaged in the CODEX, and also in the WTO, with an objective to increase their exports of the agricultural and food products.

This study has been undertaken to assess the development patterns of agriculture sector in Punjab and the identification of the constraints operating in the agricultural sector dealing with land, labour, irrigation, credit etc.