Effect of long-term irrigation with treated sewage water was studied on changes in soil pH, electrical conductivity, cation exchange capacity, organic carbon, available macro and micro nutrients and the contents of toxic heavy metals. The soils receiving treated sewage water for irrigation had lower pH than the adjacent control soils irrigated with tube-well water.

Annual variability of different climatic parameters was analysed from historical weekly meteorological data for three different stations of Punjab namely Ballowal Saunkhri, Ludhiana and Bathinda representing the three different agroclimatic regions of the state.

The Oku-Kom highland morphological and human stronghold of West Cameroon with rich volcanic soils has attracted farmers and breeders thereby rupturing the mountain ecological equilibrium through slope gulling and mass movements. Overwhelmed, the indigenes adapted unsuccessful regreening approaches but without slope gradient considerations.

A field experiment was conducted during 2002-03 and 2003-04 at Department of Agronomy, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana to study the possible options for diversification of existing rice-wheat cropping system.

A field experiment was carried out at Ballowal Saunkhri to study the performance of different crops with respect to yield.

Agricultural practices, which add heavy metals to the soil, include indiscriminate use of fertilizers through chemical farming and plant protection chemicals. However organic farming is a production system to produce chemical free nutritious food of high quality.

Development of improved technology with most suitable cropping system for a particular agro-climatic condition plays a pivotal role in increasing agricultural production. In Jammu and Kashmir wheat is the most important cereal crop in subtropical zone of the state. However, in the valley temperate zone, wheat cultivation is practiced in a very small area of about 793 ha.

With the increase in paddy cultivation in Northern plains of India due to advanced agriculture technology, the amount of paddy straw has also increased proportionately. According to a recent report 197 lakh tons of paddy straw is being burnt every year only in Punjab state.

Plum holds a prominent position among the temperate fruits. Orchard floor-management affects growth, yield and fruit quality indirectly through its effect on the availability of nutrients and water. Weeds compete with the main crop for water, nutrients, space and light resulting in low yield and poor quality fruit.

Sugarcane by virtue of its long duration and practice of plant crop followed by one or two ratoons provides an environment conductive for the multiplication of insect pests and diseases.
