The government has introduced community level participatory approach through forming Arsenic Mitigation Committee (AMC) at union level to fight against arsenic contamination, one of the burning iss

Bangladesh Health Watch Report has emphasised undertaking the system of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) to ensure health rights of the citizens by addressing the healthcare financing challenges.

RAJSHAHI: Some newly developed drought- tolerant and high-yielding wheat varieties, especially BARI Gom- 26, has created high hope among farmers of the drought-prone Barind tract.

RAJSHAHI : Prospect of sugar beet farming commercially in different parts of the country has been detected as bright and that can contribute a lot address the sugar deficit of the country to some e

RAJSHAHI : Farmers of the region are seen showing much interested in seed-potato farming in net house method for multiplying the tissue- culture based seed-potato successfully.

Dhaka: The government will formulate an automobile policy by July next to help ensure a strong and sustainable automobile sector in the country, said Industries Minister Dilip Barua.

Dhaka: The Integrated Agricultural Productivity Project (IAPP), funded by Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GA-FSP), will enhance the productivity of agriculture (crops, livestock and f

Dhaka: Bangladesh will seek about US$ 1 billion financial support from German government for the development of renewable energy sector in the country, officials said.

DHAKA: With the financial support of the World Bank (WB), Bangladesh in collaboration with the other three South Asian countries like India, Nepal and Bhutan, is going to launch a project on streng

The country's half of total mothers living in coastal areas are suffering from malnutrition and more than three lakh children die of undernourishment every year, according to findings of various st
