An unmanned US Falcon-9 rocket booster despatched 11 communications satellites before successfully landing in an upright position at Cape Canaveral.

Countries in the World Trade Organization (WTO) have agreed to abolish subsidies on farming exports.

Pearl mussels may be extinct from several rivers in Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has warned.

The birds that helped Charles Darwin refine his theory of evolution are in danger of going extinct, according to a new study.

An effective vaccine to protect against the Mers virus is a step closer, a report in the journal Science suggests.

Could putting vibrations into the ground be a way to keep elephants from coming into conflict with humans?

The study is based on a century's worth of observational data drawn from 100 river basins across the world.

The government should launch a field trial of genetically modified insects, according to a House of Lords report.

The impacts stemming from the big earthquakes that struck Nepal earlier this year could have been much, much worse, say scientists.

The gatekeeper, one of the UK's most abundant butterflies, has declined by 40% in the past decade
