The Democrats' draft platform won't be ratified until the convention, but climate activists are already hailing it as a 'monumental victory'

Latest quarterly electricy market analysis by EnAppSys finds sharp decline in coal power as renewables generation increases again

Parliament approves plan to move towards competitive auctions and caps on deployment of wind energy

Recycling firm teams up with Ricardo to assess performance of Plaxx fuel as replacement for heavy fuel oil and diesel

Germany and Saudi Arabia have announced plans to ratify the Paris Agreement by the end of the year.

Cars built before 1997 will face severe restrictions on when they can be driven within the city walls

Country is world's second largest consumer of plastic bags after US, reports Al Jazeera.

IT giant also commits to using 40 per cent renewable energy by the end of the decade

GlobalData report predicts compound annual growth rate of over 13 per cent for global solar PV market over the next decade
