Unexpected success from an experiment is changing the fortunes of Eveready


As we wait for renewable remedies, clever use of IT can substantially cut emissions

Who stands where on the climate front

Rejected (and has singlehandedly sunk) the Kyoto Protocol. Wants India and China also to commit to emission cuts. Will have an emission cap-and-trade# regime. Plans to impose trade barriers against countries without a cap-and-trade system. Willing to cut emission by only 17 per cent by 2020 from 2005 level.

Unyielding stances have bogged down the climate negotiations and downgraded the Copenhagen conference

We don

United Nations Climate Change Conference Copenhagen 2009Discordant Orchestra
Unyielding stances have bogged down the climate negotiations

The Big Fight
Who stands where on the climate front

IT Can Do It
As we wait for a truly renewable fuel, clever use of IT can substantially cut emissions.

As the India Economic Summit 2009 gets underway in the capital, the big question in the minds of senior government officials as well as corporate bosses is: what will be the next big driver for India

Lobbying for and against the GM food peaks in the run up to the final clearanceEven as it appears that brinjal is set to become the first genetically modified (GM) food to be approved for commercial production in India, lobbying against the final nod by the government has reached a feverish pitch.

At a time when the ministry of power claims that the first units of the country

After having slain the saffron dragon in the elections, and ended India
