GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals (GSK) recently cut a deal with the Brazilian government, which allows it to supply a 10-valent vaccine against childhood pneumonia and other life-threatening infections for a decade at a fixed price in a reflection of the growing importance of vaccines and emerging markets to Big Pharma.

The world

Cities and city life are the way of the future. In 2008, for the first time the world

Ahead of the much-awaited Suresh Tendulkar committee report on poverty estimation, another committee appointed by the rural development ministry has come out with its report. The committee, headed by N.C. Saxena, says that the percentage of rural population below the poverty line (BPL) could be as high as 50 per cent

Not many of the 100 heads of state who met in New York on 22 September will be around in 2050

It might not be the panacea for all of India

NREGS is on the way to becoming the most lucrative corruption racket ever made for politicians-------

Even I, who expected nothing good out of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, find its review by Anil Sharma of National Council of Applied Economic Research depressing. Let me relate how my pessimistic predictions have been exceeded.

E-governance projects are a waste unless the last mile can be tracked---

For many, India

Sixty-eight of the notified 320 special economic zones (SEZs) in India are located in Andhra Pradesh, making that the highest number of notified SEZs in any state. In terms of the total formal approvals for SEZs, Andhra Pradesh has 102 approvals, coming second to the 109 in Maharashtra.
