Different Strokes: They might sit at the same table, but they are certainly not equals on competitiveness

With every thing else going green, why should information technology be left behind?

"CARBON TAX STRIKES ME AS A MORE DIRECT, A more transparent and a more effective approach (of countering global warming)." This reads like just another line from the ongoing carbon tax versus cap-and-trade debate, except that it comes from Rex Tillerson, the CEO of the world's largest oil company Exxon-Mobil. For decades, Exxon

The year 2009 is a do-or-die year for a new global climate change deal, partly because negotiations are scheduled to end this December. With only 12 months left to negotiate, there is still no agreement on the big issues. These include the transfer of low-polluting technology to poor countries and assigning responsibility for cutting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

With companies cutting production globally, carbon emissions are down, and so is the demand for certified emission reductions (CERs) or carbon credits. This has led to the price of carbon credits crashing from E25 in September to E15 last week.

With companies cutting production globally, carbon emissions are down, and so is the demand for certified emission reductions (CERs) or carbon credits. This has led to the price of carbon credits crashing from E25 in September to E15 last week.

Energy Efficient: LG has launched
monitors that will consume lesser

At a time when thrift is the catchword for shoppers around the world, many are willing to pay a higher price for

Klaus Schwab, now 70 years old, is the brain behind the 37-year-old World Economic Forum. Critics say it is little more than a talk-shop that produces few results. Yet, the delegates of the WEF

Millions of rural Indians have never experienced how electricity can change their lives. So, their life grinds to a halt as soon as the sun sets. But providing power to the villages would mean more coal-burning by power plants that already emit more than 50 per cent of India

It started out as an exercise to remove hurdles in
