More than 5,500 tsunami affected orphaned children still remain in shelters around the country, the National Child Protection Authority (NCPA) revealed yesterday adding that it would launch a programme to seek guardians for these children.

The Daily Mirror news report on 20.3.2009 highlighting the deteriorated state of Ambagasdowa water supply scheme has been an eye opener to the relevant authorities.

The British High Commission yesterday said that the rising global climate crisis is due to the lack of responsibility on the part of the so- called developed world, and that excessive amounts of carbon in the air is owing to the careless actions of the developed nations and that they must play a key role in rectifying the problem.

Rates charged by three-wheeler drivers are to be standardized, streamlined, and made applicable countrywide, the Transport Ministry said.

It said it had also taken steps to provide a special advisory scheme to three wheel drivers.

This measure is among a series of steps taken by the Ministry to introduce new standards for such vehicles which provide transport facilities to the public.

A truck transporting a load of timber in the guise of transporting Army provisions to Puthumathalan, Puthukuduyirippu and Paranthan, supported by convincing documents had been apprehended by Dambulla Forest Conservation Officers, yesterday.

The fish breeding project in the North Western Province which was intended to uplift the living standard of the small scale fishermen is just another failed project. The fisher folk of the area pointed out that it was an ill advised project that wasted Rs. 6 million of public funds.

Kurunegala Government Agent Jayantha Bulumulla warned that paddy production in the district during the Yala season would be affected by the prevailing drought that resulted in the fast dwindling water levels in tanks and reservoirs.

While some local authourities said yesterday they were on alert to prevent the fast-spreading Swine Flu reaching Sri Lanka, some others stressed the need to fight diseases such as dengue which has already affected the Hambantota and Galle districts.

Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) authourities said they were carrying out tests on Pigs before they were slaughtered at the abattoir in Colombo.

The school children, of the jungle area of Kandeketiya, got a surprise when they saw four wild jumbos frolicking in the school playground.

The elephants, noticing the children, had stopped playing and started running towards them. The frightened children ran helter-skelter and some ended up getting into a bus parked near the school and had stopped only after creeping under the seats.

A Ukraine tourist and his Sri Lankan guide were taken into custody by Wildlife Conservation officials in Minneriya for allegedly collecting butterflies and several species of other insects endemic to Sri Lanka.
