The residents of Serudandahela area staged a protest against the dumping of garbage in their village by the Naula Pradeshiya Sabha creating a serious health hazard. More than 500 protestors of all walks of life participated.

Power and Energy Minister John Seneviratne said yesterday power generation from the Norochcholai plant would begin next year with 300 mw being produced initially.

The Minister responding to a question asked by the JVP during the adjournment debate on electricity tariffs said the capacity of the power plant would be raised to 900 mw after the second and third phases were completed.

Sri Lanka is to go high

Every unit of nuclear waste will take more than 25 years to decay and every nation has a responsibility to act to reduce the harm on the environment, former Vice President International Court of Justice, C.G. Weeramantry said yesterday speaking at the inauguration of a workshop at the South Asian Regional Meeting for Environment Prosecution.

With the second case of the global pandemic disease influenza H1N1 detected here, Sri Lanka's largest health and hygiene soap brand, Lifebuoy cautions people to take simple preventative steps to avoid the illness. The World Health Organisation and the Centers for Disease Control recommend washing your hands with soap as a way of preventing the spread of the virus.

Sri Lanka

As Sri Lanka painfully battles the dengue epidemic and swine flue, it is an irony that people in poor countries like Sri Lanka, which have contributed least to carbon emissions, should suffer disproportionately the resulting climate change.

The Asian Development Bank

While the country

Health authorities battled to contain the ever increasing dengue epidemic with an island wide surveillance and clearing programme yesterday while the number of dengue related deaths rose to 134 and the number of cases touched the 9,300 mark, health ministry source said.
