The Tamil Nadu government will move a contempt petition against the Centre if no steps are taken by the latter to resolve the Cauvery water dispute or will file a clarification application in the e
The Chipko Movement started off under the leadership of Gaura Devi, a middle-aged Bhotia woman, who managed to mobilise about 30 women of her village to step out of their homes and protect the gree
The draft Digital Information in Healthcare Security Act (DISHA) lays down that any health data including physical, physiological and mental health condition and biometric information are the prope
Rajahar, like villages in Bihar and Haryana, was selected as a “climate-smart village”, from amongst several other contenders in this drought-prone belt of the western development region in Nepal.
It’s also a first in a major initiative that could be replicated across the region to monitor the rising pollution in its water bodies and put in place preventive measures.
As many as 1,306 hospitals, clinics and laboratories are registered to notify TB cases with the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC), but from January till March this year, only eight hospitals have re
Clinical establishments as defined in the Clinical Establishment Act, 2010, include a wide range of medical establishments, hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, diagnostic services, including those op
As per the survey, 12.30 per cent of households had access to water “near” and not within their premises. Another 4.28 per cent had access to water “away” from their premises, it stated