A major design review of Nasa's Space Launch System (SLS) was completed last week clearing the stage for work on the world's most powerful rocket.

An Accident and Emergency department in Manchester has been shut down following two suspected cases of Mers-CoV (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus).

Some vaccines have been found to make some viruses more harmful via evolution, a new study has warned.

Retired Nasa scientist James Hansen who first rang the climate alarm bell in 1988, is now back with a study that points to major sea level rise in the next 50 years owing to speeding up of glacier

Although more than 90% of Europeans, Japanese and North Americans are aware(Reuters)
Some 40% of adults worldwide have never heard of climate change, a study has found.

"I don't know where to get the money from, treatment is too expensive," says Sergei, who lives in Saint Petersburg.

Four new species of tooth-frog have been identified in West Africa, over 100 years after initially being identified as one single species Odontobatrachus natator.

The UK government has announced it would cut subsidies provided to renewable energy projects, hoping to save billions on costs.

Over the last seven years, natural disasters have displaced one person every second.

When Hamish Stewart bikes the streets of London, he clips a tiny digital device to his shirt collar or pants pocket.
