A majority of Americans waste more food than they are aware of -- $162 billion worth of it each year -- according to a new study from Johns Hopkins University.
Organisms are liberally exchanging genes with other species to create hybrid species, thanks to global warming. In the process, many species are dying out.
Call it a Roomba for the ocean. A young Dutch innovator has come up with a boom invention to help the Pacific Ocean rid itself of some of the 8 million tons of plastics.
Large areas of Southern Forests are being cut to make wood pellets bound for Europe. This loss of green cover has raised a red flag among green crusaders.
Three-quarters of the world's annual emissions of greenhouse gases are now limited by national targets, according to a study by Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at
As China continues its battle against pollution, regulators are turning to modern technology to hold the country’s biggest polluters accountable, in the form of drones.