This new UNEP report shows that bee colonies worldwide are under threat, with serious consequences for biodiversity and food security. It analyses possible answers to why the bee group, the most important pollinator worldwide, is declining and what are the possible mitigating measures and recommendations to avert such decline.

This 8th Edition of the UN Environment Programme flagship report, the UNEP Year Book 2011, examines global emerging issues and provides the latest environmental science. It also highlights major environmental events and developments over the past year, and presents the most recent data and indicator trends.

The Green Economy Report is compiled by UNEP’s Green Economy Initiative in collaboration with economists and experts worldwide.

The new UNEP report demonstrates that a transition to a green economy is possible by investing 2% of global GDP per year (currently about US 1.3 trillion) between now and 2050 in a green transformation of key sectors, including agriculture, buildings, energy, fisheries, forests, manufacturing, tourism, transport, water &  waste management.

This document summarizes findings and conclusions of the assessment report: Integrated Assessment of Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone. The assessment looks into all aspects

This document is designed to inform decision makers about additional opportunities to slow the observed rate of climate change and at the same time achieve air quality benefits over the next two to four decades. This can be realised by implementing measures to reduce atmospheric levels of methane, black carbon and tropospheric ozone, as well as many hydrofluorocarbons.

This report is intended to assist those who influence public and private sector investments in solid waste collection systems in developing countries.

The Ozone Secretariat has released a report of the Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, titled "Environmental Effects of Ozone Depletion and its Interactions with Climate Change: 2010 Assessment." The report outlines the interactions between climate change and the ozone layer, including changes in atmospheric conditions that affect the chemical production and loss of stratospheric ozone.

This report outlines status and trends of high mountain glaciers in relation to climate change, identifies challenges and knowledge gaps, and finally makes recommendations for adaptation, research and policy.

This Policy Brief details the need for the definition of the
