This report – Avoiding Future Famines: Strengthening the Ecological Basis of Food Security through Sustainable Food Systems - has been a unique collaboration of 12 leading scientists and experts involved in world food systems including marine and inland fisheries.

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is one of the “flexibility mechanisms” defined under the Kyoto Protocol. Its objective is to assist developing countries in achieving sustainable development and to mitigate the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change.

The objective of ‘Green Economy in a Blue World’ is to analyse the challenges and opportunities of a potential transition towards a green economy in key sectors heavily linked to the marine and coastal environment – the blue world.

Not much research has been done on the impacts of climate change on agroforestry systems.

This report is the third report of its kind since 2009 when the UN first published details of its annual carbon footprint. With a foreword from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and a preface from UNEP’s Executive Director Achim Steiner, this report explains the UN’s ambition towards climate neutrality.

This new report by UNEP provides a review of policies and initiatives promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production. It reviews 56 case studies, highlights the best practices and offers recommendations to scale up and replicate them worldwide.

This report discusses the need to balance short-term water productivity gains, particularly in agriculture, with water flows’ long-term role in maintaining sustainable landscape ecosystem services and supporting human well-being.

The World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) has released a report on its “Taking the Heat Out of Farming” project that helps Indian smallholders to join the global carbon market in Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan.

The UNEP Foresight Report contains a description of the 21 emerging environmental issues identified through the UNEP Foresight Process.

This summary of the fifth Global Environment Outlook report released by UNEP focuses on deteriorating state of the global environment and lists priority areas for action and policy recommendations.

