To respond to the demand for better coordination of research, PROVIA has led the development of a set of Research Priorities on vulnerability, impacts and adaptation in consultation with both experts and policymakers.

World leaders at the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) reaffirmed their commitment to sustainable development which embraces economic progress, social development, and environmental protection for the benefit of all.

Through this Investor Briefing, UNEP FI provides a clear and compelling case for why and how investors and their service providers should start measuring, disclosing and reducing the GHG emissions associated with their investments and investment portfolios.

GEO-5 for Business is written for business leaders who are responsible for ensuring that risks and opportunities are understood, addressed, and turned into long-term competitive advantage for their companies. The report assesses the operational, market, reputational, and policy implications of environmental trends on ten business sectors.

Report from UNEP-Frankfurt School examines in detail how investment flows into renewables are evolving around the world, and the reasons for those changes. Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2013 is the sixth edition of the UNEP report.

By addressing the critical nexus between a green economy and international trade, this report responds to the calls made by world leaders at Rio+20 for supporting the transition to a green economy that contributes to poverty eradication and sustainable development.

By addressing the critical nexus between a green economy and international trade, this report responds to the calls made by world leaders at Rio+20 for supporting the transition to a green economy that contributes to poverty eradication and sustainable development.

Building upon previous work of the International Resource Panel on Decoupling Natural Resource Use and Environmental Impacts from Economic Growth, this report examines the potential for decoupling at the city level.

The UNEP has released the Third African Environment Outlook (AEO-3) Summary for Policy Makers, commissioned by the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN).

This document provides a practical and useful assessment of the current state of knowledge of the economic costs of inaction on the sound management of chemicals. It makes available early research findings and the evidence needed to support the argument for enhanced political action.
