Lakes and wetlands in the People

Planning for development in rapidly urbanizing Asia requires a fresh look. This book contrasts the urban development experiences and practices of the two giant countries in Asia: the People

This report is about the causes of high food prices, focusing on staple grains

This paper identifies inadequate effort to use market-based approaches, among others, as a reason for limited progress in arresting continuing environmental degradation in the Asia and Pacific region.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) launched the Energy Efficiency Initiative (EEI) in July 2005 to expand its operations in clean energy to $1 billion a year.

The global financial crisis emerged at an alarming rate. A global credit squeeze led to large falls in international stock markets and the world economy is weakening rapidly. The Pacific is largely shielded from the most immediate effects of the crisis, but it is not immune. This Policy Brief provides early advice on what the global financial crisis could mean for the Pacific and

The Pacific region is prone to natural disasters, experiencing droughts, earthquakes, floods, cyclones, landslides, sea surges, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. Each Pacific developing member country (PDMC) faces a different set of risks and potential losses with respect to natural disasters.

Planning for development in rapidly urbanizing Asia requires a fresh look. This book analyzes emerging urbanization patterns and explores the potential of city cluster development in Asia. City cluster development takes into account the provision of infrastructure and services in connection with spark potentials of economic growth and dispenses with the urban

This project is designed to generate insights and guidance which can contribute to the development of institutions to help the urban poor effectively resolve disputes over urban assets. Too often institutional change is initiated without a complete understanding of the social, economic and political dynamics effecting status quo institutions.

The annual Asian Development Outlook aims to present an analysis of the recent past and forecasts for the next couple of years for the developing economies of Asia. The Update presents four thematic chapters discussing recent global commodity price rises and their impacts on developing Asia. They suggest that high international commodity prices are here to stay. But, given that demand-pull rather than cost-push factors are causing high prices, the role of monetary policy is still relevant in containing price pressures.
