Defying Climate Change, a report by Climate Action Network South Asia & UNICEF India introduces innovative and successful community based adaptation projects being led by NGO’s in India that are helping build climate resilience of the most vulnerable, especially children and women.

Loss and damage is rapidly gaining prominence in the global climate change arena and is a newly emerging field of research focus. However, the concept behind the idea of residual loss and damage from the impacts of climate change has existed since before the inception of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

There is a limited understanding of the nature of impacts of climate change on various sectors that affect the livelihoods of the people of South Asia and how communities should adapt. Further, policy issues of the climate risk management are not limited to the issue of adaptation alone, but have to be scrutinized in the context of development.

This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) framework and enhance the understanding on NAMAs by explaining the Conference of the Parties (COP) decisions in layman’s terms.

Countries’ quest to achieve robust economic growth in a fossil fuel-dependent production paradigm has resulted in an unsustainable accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere. This phenomenon threatens humankind with irreversible climatic changes in the future.

Natural hazards are no strangers to a majority of South Asians. The region is periodically afflicted by inundated deltas, parched plains, flooded urban sprawl, severe droughts, cyclone-hit crops, and eroding beaches and riverbanks. South Asia experiences every conceivable weather-related disaster.