The future vision of Agricultural Policy of Rajasthan shall be to ensure food and nutritional security and economic empowerment to the people through accelerated yet sustainable growth in agriculture.

Solar power is attractive because it is abundant and offers a solution to fossil fuel emissions and global climate change. Earth receives solar energy at the rate of approximately 1,20,000 terawatt. This enormously exceeds both the current annual global energy consumption rate of about 15 TW, and any conceivable requirement in future.

This Action Plan on Climate Change for Rajasthan builds on the key areas as identified under climate change agenda for the state. It primarily focuses on risk reduction and adaptation measures.

The State Government of Rajasthan has published the draft for a comprehensive policy for generation of electricity from wind which offers solution to various problems faced by developers, power producers and utilities. This Policy will be known as “Policy for Promoting Generation of Electricity from Wind,2011”.

The Government of India (GoI) initiated its national flag ship programme on sanitation, the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) in 1999. The TSC is a restructured version of the Central Rural Sanitation Programme (CRSP). In Rajasthan, the TSC was initially launched in 4 districts in 1999 and scaled up in all the 32 districts in 2004-05.

This draft of Rajasthan Rural Sanitation and Hygiene Policy 2011 presents a roadmap for improving the quality of life of people in rural area by ensuring improved sanitation and promotion of personal hygiene.

The Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India vide its Gazette Notification No. S.O.

The Rajasthan State will promote setting up of solar power projects. The total capacity under this category will be distributed equally between SPV and solar concentrating thermal power plants. Rajasthan has come up with an new Solar Energy Policy, named as, Rajasthan Solar Policy 2011. The State of Rajasthan receives maximum solar radiation intensity in India with very low average rainfall.

The new mining policy announced by Rajasthan government to promote value
addition in minerals and generate employment while maintaining balance with environment considerations.

This draft solar policy 2010 for Rajasthan released by RREC is aimed at developing a global hub of solar power of 10,000 MW- 12,000 MW capacity in the next 10-12 years to meet increasing energy needs of the state and India & contribute to ecological security too.
