Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) said on Monday that it has bagged a Rs 1,395-crore contract from National Mineral Development Corporation for the setting up a raw material handling system for a

State-run power giant NTPC has run into another roadblock with the Union environment ministry recommending that green clearance for its Talaipalli coal mine in Chhattisgarh’s Raigarh district be de

There are red faces in the Congress over a difference of opinion between AICC Treasurer Motilal Vora and the state unit in Chhattisgarh over the proposal to award a mining lease to a Delhi-based co

Chief Minister Raman Singh on Monday announced creation of nine new districts in Chhattisgarh with effect from 2012.

The National Mining Regulatory Authority will review sectoral issues and advise the government on policy and strategy, including royalty rates, and would have the power to investigate and launch pr

Blocks not actually within the biodiversity-rich region, he says The bastion of Hasdeo-Arand has finally been broken.

KORBA (CHHATTISGARH): An immense expanse of fine grey fly-ash stretches out to meet the distant horizon, its flat surface rippled by slow-spinning whirlwinds.

We fly into Raipur, the advice given by civil rights activists ringing in our ears: be careful which hotel you check into, since most report any arrivals—especially of journalists—to the local poli

An agitation in Chhattisgarh against the construction of a dam on the Kurkut river by Jindal Steel is representative of many such popular struggles going on across the country.

The Chhattisgarh Seed Satyagrah continues its struggle to prevent foreign multinational companies from getting hold of the rice germplasm collection with the Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya.
