Provisional 5 per cent fuel price adjustment surcharge

Consumers in the Capital will have to shell out more for power from this month with the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission on Thursday allowing a provisional 5 per cent fuel price adjustment surcharge for the power distribution companies BRPL, BYPL, TPDDL and NDMC. This means the companies will be able to recover the extra money spent on purchase of power on a quarterly basis.

As many as 12,772 Delhi Government school students, or nearly a third, of the 39,183 screened under the Chacha Nehru Sehat Yojana during the past eight weeks were found to be suffering from some form of ailments, Delhi Health Minister A.K. Walia said on Monday.

The Minister said 26,411 school children were screened for deficiencies, diseases and disabilities under the scheme, while another 9,908 school children had attended the Outdoor Patient's Department being run by the doctors during their visit to the schools.

DU’s Radiation Fiasco Prompts Govt To Plan Mobile Detection Systems. Fear of exposure to radiation from scrap or medical waste may soon be a thing of the past.

In an eco-friendly initiative, Delhi's leading power discom BSES has come out with a solar-powered water pumping system, aimed at cutting down on consumption of electricity.

What is junk food? The problem is that nobody seems to have a clear idea.

Independent, smart, tech-savvy and ready to take on the world. Meet the new-age Delhi kids.

The Centre for Science and Environment has sought additional tax on diesel cars, saying the fuel was causing losses to the exchequer besides affecting public health.

The Delhi Government will work in the direction of zero tolerance to female foeticide and provide all opportunities to the girl child so that there is no ground to discriminate between a daughter a

The city government partially blamed inadequate health infrastructure in neighbouring states for the decline in child sex ratio — number of girls against per thousand boys — in Delhi.

Delhi women and child welfare minister Kiran Walia on Monday said that lack of proper medical infrastructure in neighbouring states forces pregnant women there to come to Delhi for delivery and when a baby dies during or after delivery, it reflects in Delhi statistics.

NEW DELHI: As envisaged earlier, there will be no monorail link to the proposed knowledge-based industrial park in South West Delhi if the city government accepts the report of an expert group whic
