It wreaked havoc in Europe. Now scientists are worried that acid rain may soon acquire grave proportions in India. Acid rainwater may cause irreparable damage to the country s biodiversity, crop yields and the economy. Will we be prepared for it when d

india is on the verge of an ecological disaster, says a World Bank (wb) report. By the year 2020, the study predicts that sulphur dioxide emissions in the country would increase by 315 per cent.

Bruce Railsback of Georgia University, Athens, USA, has concluded that lightning increases the acidity in rain. This was discovered while studying the change in the acidity of rainfall during a

The global assessment of the environment has been based on the CD scenario

An audit of the earth addresses the growing concern that the costs of environmental degradation are actually becoming a serious threat to sustained welfare

Increasing acid rain. Higher

Ecosystems that were expected to revive after power plants were ordered to clean up their act, have not done so

Sweden may be trying hard to control the phenomenon of acid rain, but the end result is another crisis at hand a dwindling Population of the moose

A RECENT government decision which will -force power companies in the UK to bring down emissions of sulphur dioxide drastically,- could help large areas of land affected by acid rain to make

Concerns about tackling the menace of acid rain grows in Japan
