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Low-carbon fuel production is a recognizable need if the world is to kick its dependence on petroleum-based fuels and reduce the release of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide and other emissions into the atmosphere. But fuel designers face challenges with chemistry and component reactions if they truly are to bring cleaner-burning fuels to fruition.

Draft new EU legislation that would limit harmful vapour emissions from petrol pumps was proposed on 4 December by the European Commission. Petrol vapour contains benzene, which is known to cause cancer, and contributes to the formation of ground-level ozone, one of the air pollutants that is most damaging to human health and the environment and which also contributes to global climate change.

Sixteen EU countries are likely to exceed national limits on emissions of at least one of four key air pollutants set for 2010, according to an analysis carried out by the European Environment Agency (EEA).

Conference on evolving strategies for improving the air quality of Indian cities New Delhi, 1st October 2008.

Diesel exhaust particles (DEPs) are globally relevant air pollutants that exert a detrimental human health impact. However, mechanisms of damage by DEP exposure to human respiratory health and human susceptibility factors are only partially known.

An aerosol is a suspension of fine particles in a gas, usually air, and is generally taken to include both solid and liquid particles with dimensions ranging from a few nanometers up to around 20 micrometers in diameter. This paper presents an overview of the various physical and chemical characteristics of aerosols.

Traffic-related air pollution has been associated with adverse health outcomes, and the immune system may be a biologic mediator of health effects. We analyzed associations between living near major roads and immune status as measured

An attempt has been made to quantify the relative abundance and size distribution of oily-droplets in the ambient air of Shillong using an optical microscope. The sampling was carried out at controlled, moderate traffic, high traffic, traffic intersections, industrial estates and elevated specific locations in different seasons during 1998-2000.

Epidemiologic studies suggest a positive association between fine particulate matter and arterial blood pressure, but the results have been inconsistent. The researchers investigated the effect of ambient particles on systemic hemodynamics during a 5-hr exposure to concentrated ambient air particles (CAPs) or filtered air (FA) in conscious canines.

In rural Bangladesh, Indoor Air Pollution (IAP) is dangerously high for poor households dependent on biomass cooking fuels. Based on earlier World Bank research, controlled, scientifi cally monitored experiments were conducted in Burumdi village,
Narayanganj District, to test the effects of structural
