Globalization and Indigenous Peoples in Asia, Changing the Local-Global Interface

Can Asia reduce poverty by half by 2015?

But a poor way to bell the malnutrition cat

Food products in the South Asian region (sar) are contaminated with persistent organic pollutants (pops). So claims a recently released report by New Delhi-based non-governmental organisation, Toxics

Pro-Poor Growth and Governance in South Asia, Decentralization and Participatory Development

The thick brown haze largely seen in the South Asian skies is spreading to newer areas like the Gulf region. V Ramanathan, a scientist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of

Indian scientists contest the UNEP report on the aerosol-caused Asian brown cloud

The AIDS epidemic shows no sign of abating with five million new cases reported in 2001

A study on urban biodiversity is relevant to understand the human impact on environment

More than a 100 million tonnes of plastic is produced world-wide each year. Though plastics have opened the way for a plethora of new inventions and devices it has also ended up clogging the drains
