New regulations that will force the shipping industry to switch to cleaner fuel could snuff out nearly a quarter of European demand for fuel oil by 2015.

The package of measures will add to the woes of the dirtiest and least profitable oil product: sludgy, bottom of the barrel fuel oil left behind from refining more profitable motor fuels.

There should be enough recognition for industries that do their production according to eco-friendly standards. So far no method has been implemented to recognize and reward these industries, he said.

The Little Green Data Book 2009 points to the world

Russia, already a large supplier of nuclear-reactor fuel to Europe and Asia, is expected on Tuesday to sign its first purely commercial contract to supply low-enriched uranium to United States utilities.

The Philippines hopes to attract $9-10 billion in investments in renewable energy projects over the next 10 years as a law giving investors fiscal incentives takes effect next month, a top official said on Monday.

"Our objective is to double the power being generated from renewable energy sources, from 4,500 MW to 9,000 MW in 10 years," Energy Secretary Angelo Reyes told a news briefing.

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) through UNDP has selected National Energy Conservation Centre (Enercon) to initiate a regional project titled 'Barrier Removal to Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling', in Pakistan costing $7.8 million of which an amount of $1million has been allocated to ease regional trade in energy efficient appliances.

German solar companies that have not yet set up US and Chinese production plants are likely to lose out on significant subsidies and will struggle to bring down their production costs to the levels of their Asian peers.

President Asif Ali Zardari and his Afghan counterpart Hamid Karzai held a meeting with the World Bank president on Friday and agreed to facilitate electricity trade between Central and South Asian regions.

A recent NY Times articles brings to fore the contribution of Soot, also known as Black Carbon, in the global warming. And how efforts are underway to reign in the global warming by replacing the mud-stoves in villages of India! On the Earth day, a legislation was introduced in US Senate for EPA to assess the options for reducing the black carbon pollution.

According to a Recorder Report the federal cabinet has refused to give post facto approval to a memorandum of understanding signed last year by the Ministry of Water and Power and representatives from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan for the import of 1000MW electricity from those countries.
