An international wildlife smuggler has been sentenced for 71 months by a San Francisco federal court. He has also been directed to pay a fine of US $60,000. Keng Liang
A cloud of dust up to 2,000 km long was tracked by scientists at the US National Aeronautical Space Administration (NASA) as it left Asia, drifted across the Pacific Ocean, and traversed North
Cotton, grown on just five per cent of Indian agricultural land, consumes more than 50 per cent of the total pesticides used in India. Cotton gowers rely heavily on pesticides to control insects,
South Asians are at a greater risk of developing cardiovascular problems South Asians are at a greater risk of developing cardiovascular problems South Asians are at a greater risk of developing cardiovascular problems
biotechnology and bioresources are two issues that have been in conflict for a while. Biotechnology, proposed as "the technology of the next century', has its proponents in the developed countries
It's time South Asian countries took Iaction to tackle the POP menace. To begin with, they should tell the West that South Asia is not a dirty clumpyard where they can get rid of their toxic wastes