Canadian filmmaker Rob Spence is preparing to work with a video camera concealed inside a prosthetic eye, hoping to secretly record people for a project commenting on the global spread of surveillance cameras. Spence

Dutch born nature photographer Frans Lanting has, with his recent photography, brought to life the jungles of South America. Currently on exhibition at the Yale Peabody Museum, Connecticut, usa and funded partly by the National Geographic Society it is entitled

A British trawler has sparked an international row after being filmed with allegedly endangered fish caught in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea and then dumping the majority overboard in uk waters. Norwegian government coastguards filmed the crew of the Prolific, openly discarding more than 5,000 kg of cod and other dead white fish, or nearly 80 per cent of its catch. The incident took

A documentary film on how market forces are appropriating natural resources that belong to everybody.

IN VARANASI, WITH the Ganga in the background. The documentary is part of a movement to expose the subterranean war going on for water.

A little girl in bright red clothes stands by the side of the road. A family sits together in their lounge, posing for the camera. Images such as these form the bulk of the Defined by Four Letters exhibition at the National Arts Festival in Grahmstown South Africa. The exhibition was an expression of the lives and identities of hiv-infected people of Grahamstown. The photographs, together

Multimedia Publication >> Affirming Life and Diversity

function open_new_popwin() {"image/20080831/Slide_show/photo_gallery.htm","","height=400,width=600,scrollbar=yes"); newwd.moveTo(200,180); } View the slideshow Jason Taylor and Sanjit Das show the dignity and stunning resplendence of people whom many have consigned to the footnotes of Shining India

A window washer dressed as spiderman scales a building. A pizza delivery man wearing superman garb rides a bike with pies in the basket. A nanny clad as catwoman attends to children. Behind the humour of these photographs by Mexican artist lie real life struggles. The photographs on show at the National Museum of Mexican Art in Chicago depict real immigrant workers in their everyday jobs.
