Kiran Chandra combines painting and print-making techniques to comment on the transformation of landscapes by a process of development founded on a will to reduce diversity to a monochrome. Language

Book>> Sunderbans

google Sky images of the night sky have become clearer. New colour images taken at different wavelengths were added to the interactive online feature on October 2. Each image contains specific

At Khoj, an artists' workshop in Delhi, four artists explored shared spaces between art and science, realms that are often seen as sealed to each other Joanna Hoffman's interest lies in situating

Exhibition>> Global Cities, Tate Modern

One of the world's rarest rhinos was caught on film for the first time on Borneo island, recently. Malaysian officials of global conservation organisation wwf said the two-minute video, recorded


Alien Waters

Q2P by Paromita Vohra

"Calcutta: A Tradition in Science'
