Land court finds mining leases should be granted for Carmichael mine but with tightened environmental conditions

Queensland report calls for corporate and philanthropic funding to help cut water pollution as a bulwark against climate change

Dependence upon groundwater to meet rising agricultural and domestic water needs is expected to increase substantially across the tropics where, by 2050, over half of the world’s population is projected to live. Rare, long-term groundwater-level records in the tropics indicate that groundwater recharge occurs disproportionately from heavy rainfalls exceeding a threshold. The ubiquity of this bias in tropical groundwater recharge to intensive precipitation is, however, unknown.

When you think of wild animals, you usually think of the country or woodlands far away from human civilization.

During periods of drought, a native Australian grass, Tripogon loliiformis, "plays dead" to reserve its energy for when it is later resurrected by water, according to researchers from the Queenslan

The current El Nino is near its peak intensity, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology said on Tuesday, and the weather event is showing some signs of easing.

Malcolm Turnbull promises to contribute $1 billion over the next five years to fight climate change and to ratify the second commitment period of the Kyoto protocol.

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) is aiming to reduce the cost of renewable energy in the country by providing a funding boost to an innovative solar cell technology.

The latest El Niño weather phenomenon is now the biggest and most powerful it has ever been since records began.

Habitat destruction along routes taken by the world's migratory birds poses an increasing peril to these long-distance fliers, with a vast majority crossing terrain that nations are inadequately pr
