Propelled by a unique biodiesel produced from leftover chocolates, this vehicle arrived in Mali's central city Timbuktu on December 22. Nicknamed BioTruck, the vehicle started its journey from the UK

While cutting down rainforests to grow palm oil for biofuels may constitute "madness" (1 December 2007, p 50), burning other vegetable oils is no more sane, nor less damaging to Indonesia's rainforests. Indonesia is expected to increase its palm oil production by more than half over the next 10 years. This is driven, in part, by China, which used to buy rapeseed oil from Europe for food and for industrial uses, but is switching to Indonesian palm oil because Europe's cars and trucks now burn the rapeseed oil as a biofuel.

Many biofuels are associated with lower greenhouse gas emissions but have greater aggregate environmental costs than gasoline.

Common lands are an invisible resource from the point of view of revenue classification. The Rajasthan Land Revenue and Panchayati Raj Acts make no mention of issues related to common lands. However, from one perspective it can be claimed that the state has almost half of its total geographical area being put to community use, notwithstanding its specific legal and revenue status.

This paper provides an overview of selected trends and conditions of ecosystem services, in particular, food production and impacts on the environment based on the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. It then describes outcomes for future ecosystem services under alternative development pathways, with a focus on tradeoffs between food security and the environment, such as implications for fertilizer use, and the role of biofuels.

In the US Midwest Municipality, wastewater is being treated and recycled to save enough potable water to supply 7,000 homes and to manufacture biofuel to run cars.
