the European Union has come up with a new energy plan. It envisages reducing emissions by 20 per cent by 2020. eu will convert a fifth of its energy to renewable energy and biofuels by then. On

the European Union is planning to ban certain biofuels, saying their social and environmental impacts are dangerous. eu is likely to review its draft policy on biofuels to effect the ban. The

Transportation fuels are the major component of the energy portfolio. Of the 20 million barrels of petroleum consumed each day in the United States, 68 percent is used in the transportation sector. The Western states are in position to become key producers and beneficiaries in the emerging alternative-fuels economy.

The recent rapid increases in the international prices of many basic food commodities have raised many questions from policy-makers, the media, the public, and the farmers who have the opportunity to benefit from the situation.

The us state Florida has come up with draft motor fuel rules that aims to boost ethanol blending in the country's third largest petrol market. Limited ethanol blending is already occurring in

"We apologise for recent price increases," reads the sign over the bread counter, "but they are due to global factors beyond our control." This is not a Third World food stall but an upscale supermarket in Brussels, capital of the European Union, whose farming system was once notorious for the mountains of surplus grain it produced. Those mountains are now gone. The world is down to its lowest grain stocks for decades, and food prices are up around the world.

SIR RICHARD BRANSON, the bearded billionaire who founded Virgin Atlantic, is fond of surprises. Next month his airline plans to test-fly an aircraft that is partly powered by biofuels, something most experts thought was years away.
