This recent report on GM foods released by Greenpeace provides the perspective on citizens' views on GM foods. 87% of people have said that they have the right to information related to GM foods, before the decisions on GM/ GE foods are made.

Sandeep Joshi

NEW DELHI: From Thursday, petrol and diesel prices will go up in 13 cities, including the four metros, where stricter Bharat Stage-IV emissions norms are being implemented, requiring the sale of upgraded and less polluting fuel.

The prices of petrol and diesel will increase by Rs 0.50 and Rs 0.26 a litre, respectively, from April 1 in 13 big cities that switch to cleaner Euro-IV grade fuel.

Petrol and diesel prices in 13 major cities are set to go up, with the petroleum ministry considering a higher price for Euro-IV complaint fuels. This, in effect, would mean, a second price hike for consumers in less than two months.

This study examined the future of personal transportation in megacities of the world. Of particular interest was the future role of personal vehicles.

After a recent order by the Union Government forbade displaying animals in circuses, elephants at the Calcutta Zoo as well as at the 15-odd circuses that visit the city have been asked to migrate. The Government says that the enclosures are too small for the big animals. "We have been playing to full galleries for decades," says a manager of a circus.

The break even cost of treated water from a water treatment plant depends on the capital cost and the operation cost through out its life span. The main capital investments in Garden Reach water works occured in two phases. The operation of first phase was started on 1982 and second phase from 2000.

This report focuses on the links between urbanisation and environmental sustainability, looks at historical development of Indian cities and at the future of urbanization. Models the implications of different urban development trajectories, especially with regards to energy use and presents recommendations for sustainable urbanization in India

User charges and better delivery needed

Devjyot Ghoshal / Kolkata December 24, 2009, 0:52 IST

Kolkata is one place where domestic water supply isn
