All 10 provincial governors of the island of Sumatra have agreed to a deal to protect endangered forests, a move that could help control planet-warming emissions, Indonesian authorities said at the World Conservation Congress in Barcelona.

The processes that control climate in the tropics are poorly understood. We applied compound-specific hydrogen isotopes (D) and the TEX86 (tetraether index of 86 carbon atoms) temperature proxy to sediment cores from Lake Tanganyika to independently reconstruct precipitation and temperature variations during the past 60,000 years.

Calculating the supply chain

Poland has assembled a blocking minority among the European Union members enabling them to stall Brussels' climate package, Polish officials said.

Poland and Greece reached an agreement late on Thursday, following a similar accord with Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria, that more debate was needed on the EU's package of climate measures.

A wall of heat and sulphur from a towering furnace stoked to 1,500 degrees Celsius hits onlookers at POSCO's Pohang plant in South Korea amid the din of coal and iron ore rattling into vats of molten metal.

Pohang's oldest furnace, with a 35-year history, helped POSCO grow into the world's No.4 steel giant.

A growing carbon offset market is trying to woo the public and companies with new ways and standards to cut their contribution to climate change, while dispelling continued doubts that such schemes do any real good.


Scientists have presented new data from their analysis of ice core samples and ocean deposits dating as far back as 90,000 years ago and have suggested that warming, carbon dioxide levels and ocean currents are tightly inter-related.

The green agenda is at risk of being sidelined by the credit crisis, in spite of attempts to keep issues alive in the commercial property industry. The environmental impact of commercial property is undeniable, with about half of all Britain's carbon emissions associated with buildings, according to government figures.

Ryanair shareholders attending the company's general meeting in Dublin in September were bemused by a sight not often associated with such gatherings, when a bare-chested young man wearing an oxygen mask approached the podium where Michael O'Leary, the chief executive, was speaking.

Europe's governments must work together to deliver a "visible and stable" European energy policy or they will fail to attract the investment they need to meet sharply rising demand, according to Pierre Gadonneix, president of the World Energy Council and chairman of French energy group EDF.
