This report assesses the options available to developing countries in a

Human activity has increased the concentration of the earth's atmospheric carbon dioxide, which plays a direct role in contributing to global warming. Mid-tropospheric CO2 retrieved by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder shows a substantial spatiotemporal variability that is supported by in situ aircraft measurements.


Carbon Diem' inventors claim that, by using GPS to measure the speed and pattern of movement, their algorithm can identify the mode of transport being used. It can therefore calculate the amount of carbon dioxide that a journey has emitted into the atmosphere

Borculo (Netherlands): Set amid cornfields and cow pastures in Holland is a shallow pool that is rapidly turning green with algae, harvested for animal feed, skin treatments, biodegradable plastics

There is good news for coal power plants. A Swedish company has developed the world

Anthropogenic CO2 emissions have been growing about four times faster since 2000 than during the previous decade, and despite efforts to curb emissions in a number of countries which are signatories of the Kyoto Protocol. Emissions from the combustion of fossil fuel and land use change reached the mark of 10 billion tones of carbon in 2007.

Published by: United Nations Development Programme Pages: 384; Price: Rs595

EU lawmakers will vote next month on steps to lower carbon penalties for industry and funnel billions of euros annually into climate change-fighting technologies, a European Parliament document shows.

The European Union's emissions trading scheme puts a cap on carbon emissions from industry, and forces factories and power plants to pay for carbon permits above a certain free quota.

When 10 states in the US Northeast launch the country's first cap and trade emissions market this week, their greatest service to the fight against global warming may be the mistakes they make.

In the absence of guidance from the Bush administration on how to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, the states from Maryland to Maine stepped forward to form the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.

The first mandatory US inter-state carbon trading system will open tomorrow with the auction of carbon permits to power -stations. It will be widely watched across the country for lessons in how a nationwide cap-and-trade system could function.
