Traffic on city roads, pollution and other factors made Bengaluru-based violinist Aneesh Vidyashankar take to carpooling, which he has been doing successfully for the past eight years.
Chandigarh: To find solutions for improving public transport and address the problem of ever-increasing traffic in Chandigarh, the ministry of housing and urban affairs is getting a survey conducte
The Delhi government’s newly-framed Draft Parking Policy may take longer to become reality as the Environment Control Pollution Authority (EPCA) has raised reservations regarding some features sugg
An ambitious target to phase out sales of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030 could halve UK oil imports, a study by environmental and aid organisations suggests.
Austria's Transport Minister Joerg Leichtfried said on Tuesday he had agreed with carmakers to update the software of 600,000 diesel cars to reduce pollution following a similar deal struck in Germ
German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned on Sunday against a swift abandonment of diesel cars after a series of emissions scandals, saying the fuel is still needed if climate change targets are to be
An international study, testing on-road emissions of passenger cars in India, says a diesel SUV may be emitting 25 to 65 times more oxides of nitrogen (NOx) than a small petrol car.
BERLIN (Reuters) - The German government will not force the auto industry to make costly engine retrofits to cut emissions but will accept software updates for around 2 million diesel cars at a mee