The origin of the EU vehicle CO2 regulation is by now a well-known story. European car manufacturers promised to voluntarily reduce average CO2 emissions of new cars to 140 g/km by 2008, starting in 1995, when average CO2 emissions were 186 g/km.

This briefing reviews recent research regarding greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles. Analyze this research in the overall context of life-cycle emissions of electric cars as compared to conventional internal combustion vehicles in Europe.

In this policy paper the authors discuss policy instruments which can help to decarbonise passenger cars in the European Union. The authors elaborate to what extent these policy instruments are effective, technology-neutral, predictable, cost-effective and enforceable.

This report assesses the economic costs and benefits of decarbonising passenger cars in Europe. A scenario approach has been developed to envisage various possible vehicle technology futures, and then economic modelling has been applied to assess impacts. The study follows a similar approach to that of the 2013 Fuelling Europe’s Future report.

The draft parking rules for Delhi, which were opened for feedback, stress on the need to decongest Delhi roads by giving incentives for parking in multi-level parking lots. Close to 1,400 cars are added to Delhi roads each day, while there are only close to 250 surface parking lots in the city and only a handful of multi-level lots.

All car and van manufacturers met their carbon dioxide (CO2) specific emission targets in 2016, based on current European vehicle test rules, but they will need to continue their efforts to meet future agreed-to cuts.

China finalized its New Energy Vehicle (NEV) mandate in September 2017. The NEV mandate is a modified version of Californiaʻs Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) mandate, with goals of promoting new energy vehicles and providing additional compliance flexibility to the existing fuel consumption regulation.

On November 8, 2017, the European Commission (EC) published its regulatory proposal for post-2020 carbon dioxide targets for new passenger cars and light-commercial vehicles (vans). The proposed regulation would be the third set of mandatory vehicle CO2 performance standards in the European Union (EU).

Green panel calls plea premature, asks petitioner to approach authority concerned

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sajan K. Singh Vs. Union of India & Ors. dated 03/01/2018 regarding formulation of policy for registration of private vehicles in Delhi/ NCR in accordance with the norms: ‘one family, one car’.

NGT while dismissing the Application stated the court finds the plea to be pre-mature as the Applicant has not shown anywhere in his Application that he had approached the concerned Governments with the idea he propounds in the present Application.
