‘Food Security Bill should address the problems of farmers'

Bt cotton was officially approved for cultivation in Tamil Nadu in 2002, when the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee, the apex regulatory body pertaining to transgenics (renamed as Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee in 2010) allowed three Bt cotton hybrids to be cultivated in the southern zone of cotton cultivation in India.This is a re

A sustainable energy system across India's industrial sector can help the country reduce its energy consumption faster - A CyberMedia Research Survey findings.

A village in northern Jordan depends on polluted water from a spring, as four German and Arab students discovered. Their final report shows how matters could be improved.

Punjab may be seen as the food bowl of the country, but the state is paying a heavy price for it.

After a celebrated comeback from abysmal water conditions and high pollution levels in the 1970s, Lake Erie is regressing to the highest levels of phosphorous contamination in 40 years, a Great Lak

62,500 hectares to be covered during samba, thaladi season

Farmers in J&K have been doing farming without the use of chemicals on approximately 32,000 hectares of land across the state since long.

This is one reform measure that is coming back to haunt the UPA government.

Prices increase six times this kharif forcing farmers to spend an additional Rs. 1,000 crore
