An estimated 5 million children died before their fifth birthday and another 2.1 million children and youth aged between 5–24 years lost their lives in 2021, according to this latest estimates by the United Nations Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation (UN IGME).

The COVID-19 pandemic, climate disasters and ongoing conflict have deepened inequalities among children in Europe and Central Asia, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said in this report, calling for more robust support for boys and girls at risk of poverty and social exclusion.

Analysis by the UN ahead of World AIDS Day reveals that inequalities are obstructing the end of AIDS. On current trends the world will not meet agreed global targets on AIDS. But the new UNAIDS report, Dangerous Inequalities, shows that urgent action to tackle inequalities can get the AIDS response on track.

The Labour and Skills (E) Department vide notification dated 18th November, 2022 has issued the Kerala Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Rules, 2022. They shall come into force at once.

The 21st Century has been marked by increased volatility in food prices, with global price spikes in 2007-08, 2010-11, and again in 2021-22. The impact of food inflation on the risk of child undernutrition is not well understood, however.

UNICEF released the Children’s Climate Risk Index (CCRI) in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region with a special focus on Egypt. The Index highlights the vulnerability of children living in many countries in the region to the impacts of climate change.

An estimated 774 million children across the world – or one third of the world’s child population - are living with the dual impacts of poverty and high climate risk, according to this new report by Save the Children.

559 million children are currently exposed to high heatwave frequency, according to this new research from UNICEF. Further, 624 million children are exposed to one of three other high heat measures - high heatwave duration, high heatwave severity or extreme high temperatures.

Of the 164 million unregistered children under 5 worldwide, more than half (around 91 million) live in Africa, according to this new statistical update on birth registration in Africa, published by UNICEF in partnership with the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).

Children cannot live on staple grains alone; they need to eat a diverse range of nutritious foods. Child Food Poverty - A Nutrition Crisis in Early Childhood sounds the alarm on the state of child food poverty – a situation where young children are not fed the minimum number of food groups they need in early childhood.
