This briefing explores the health impacts of climate change in Europe and suggests key opportunities for increased ambition with a focus on adaptation. The briefing highlights key health impacts from climate change including wildfires, heatwaves and extreme temperatures, the spread of infectious diseases and droughts.
The European Commission adopted today a new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, setting out the pathway to prepare for the unavoidable impacts of climate change. While the EU does everything within its power to mitigate climate change, domestically and internationally, it must also get ready to face its unavoidable consequences.
The climate in Somalia is projected to become drier, warmer, more erratic, and more extreme than in recent decades and thus less favourable to crop, livestock, fisheries, and forestry-based livelihood systems.
This edition of UNCTAD's Trade and Environment Review examines the physical impacts of climate change and their effects on developing country economies and trade; the vulnerabilities of developing countries to climate change; costs and finance for climate change adaptation; and finally, ways that developing countries can enhance their trade-clim
The EEA has addressed the consequences of climate change in numerous reports, including Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2016, the 2019 report Climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector in Europe and the European environment — state and outlook 2020 report.
This report aims to improve understanding of how flexibility can be introduced into the fisheries management cycle in order to foster adaptation to climate change.
This chapter introduces the importance of integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk management principles in the water supply sector. It demonstrates why technical capacity and funding resources in this area should be enhanced to reduce risk.
Social protection systems aim to eradicate poverty but often only reach a minority of the poorest households. Those eligible for social protection are often vulnerable to climate impacts that risk driving them further into poverty.
Social protection systems aim to eradicate poverty but often only reach a minority of the poorest households. Those eligible for social protection are often vulnerable to climate impacts that risk driving them further into poverty.
This publication comprehensively synthesizes climate characteristics and projections, vulnerability to natural hazards, sectoral climate change impacts, and adaptation priorities in Maldives.