This first global review of climate change adaptation laws and policies shows that many countries now have legislative and policy frameworks to govern adaptation. This includes many framework laws and policies that mainly set priorities on adaptation action.

The Untold Story of Water in Climate Adaptation – Part II: 15 Countries Speak is based on an in-depth analysis of 15 countries, examining whether and how their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) build climate resilience through work on water issues.

The International Development Finance Club (IDFC) is the leading group of 26 national and regional development banks from all over the world, the majority of which are active in emerging markets.

Negative impacts of climate change on forests threaten the delivery of crucial wood and non-wood goods and environmental services on which an estimated 1.6 billion people fully or partly depend.

The Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA) and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) have published a background paper on managing the water-related impacts of climate change. It argues that water is key to effective climate change adaptation.

High-quality adaptation finance tracking identifies gaps and barriers in financing adaptation and resilience solutions globally, drives leaders and stakeholders to invest in adaptation or support increases in finance flows, and supports government agencies in developing policy guidance.

Unprecedented transformation is required to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and safeguarding the global commons. The global community called the private sector to step-in with bold action and new frontier investments.

This publication offers a guide to the IPCC’s Special Report on Climate Change and Land prepared for decision makers in South Asia by the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), Overseas Development Institute (ODI), ICLEI-South Asia and SouthSouthNorth. This is not an official IPCC publication.

This Synthesis report on adaptation action, dubbed the "Adaptation Book", is the first of its kind that Climate Chance Observatory publishes, in partnership with French NGO Comité 21.

Current trends suggests global warming is likely to exceed 2°C by mid-century.
