This study uses CBA to analyze the economic worthiness of adaptation measures currently being practiced by some farmers on their land in Kenya.

This policy brief effectively reviews the policy consequences of the unprecedented set of commitments made by the international community from 2015 onwards to pursuing a sustainable future through climate change adaptation through the adoption of the Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the Paris Agreement on limiting gl

Society’s poorest, most marginalised and excluded people have little say on the triple crisis of climate change, nature’s degradation and poverty; yet they are most affected by it. Climate finance is a key resource to help them deal with the impacts of this crisis.

This paper presents a sector-specific methodology for assessing the role of the AFOLU sector within the NDCs. It identifies five core pillars of NDCs and sub-components specific to the AFOLU sector based on a global stocktaking of NDCs and alignment with the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement.

Agricultural production in East Africa is mainly rain-fed, making it highly sensitive and vulnerable to increased climate variability arising from climate change (EAC 2017a). Climate vulnerability is also exacerbated by reduced produce quality, land degradation, declining soil fertility and imperfect insurance and credit markets.

EEA assessment report presenting the status quo of adaptation to climate change at the local government level, with particular focus on cities.

The growing instances of extreme weather events like floods, cyclones, erosions in disaster prone areas increases the socio economic and psychosocial vulnerabilities of children living in these geographies and threatens their fundamental rights, says PwC India - Save the Children India study on ‘Protect a Generation: Climate security for India’s

Through extensive research, analysis, and stakeholder consultation, the report aims to identify the high priority actions that must collectively take now, for climate change adaptation and mitigation in food systems. Taken together, these actions are the basis of the systemic transformation that is needed in food systems.

This case study on Uganda aims to show the links between long-term adaptation planning and activities supported by the NAP–Ag programme as well as the resulting impacts.

Conservation agriculture (CA) is among the most widely-promoted approaches to climate change adaptation in agriculture in Zambia. While the biophysical and land productivity benefits of CA have been extensively investigated, little empirical evidence exists on the costs and overall profitability of investing in CA practices.
