The objective of the Congo Basin Sustainable Landscape Impact Program (CBSL IP) is to catalyze transformational change in conservation and sustainable management of the Congo Basin through landscape approaches that empower local communities and forest-dependent people, and through partnership with the private sector.
Healthy marine and freshwater ecosystems are critical to sustaining life on earth. Water— both freshwater and the oceans—supports and connects ecosystem functions, human health, and key economic sectors. Yet our aquatic ecosystems face unprecedented threats.
Habitat destruction and illegal wildlife trade (IWT) have devastating impacts on the populations of numerous wildlife species around the world. IWT is associated with the demand for wildlife and wildlife products from markets around the globe but primarily from Asia and South East Asia.
Unprecedented transformation is required to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and safeguarding the global commons. The global community called the private sector to step-in with bold action and new frontier investments.
Urban areas are growing at an unprecedented rate, with over half of the world’s population of nearly 4 billion people now residing in cities. By 2050, the number is expected to swell to over 6.5 billion−approximately two-thirds of humanity. Rapid urbanization provides opportunities, yet challenges come in tandem.
This publication is a joint effort by the GEF partnership to showcase some of the insights gained from the now substantial portfolio of GEF-funded adaptation projects.
The Fifth GEF Assembly comes at a critical but exciting juncture of the Facility. In two decades, the GEF partnership has made demonstrable contributions to delivering global environmental benefits (GEBs) in accord with its mandate as the financial mechanism for the Rio Conventions.
The Fifth GEF Assembly comes at a critical but exciting juncture of the Facility. In two decades, the GEF partnership has made demonstrable contributions to delivering global environmental benefits (GEBs) in accord with its mandate as the financial mechanism for the Rio Conventions.
The GEF has been playing an invaluable role in supporting developing countries to pioneer practices that introduce sustainability and resilience features into agriculture and food security investments.
The application of renewable energy technologies can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pollution using energy sources such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, tidal, geothermal, and biomass.