THEORITICAL and empirical studies of collective management of natural resources have proved the efficacy of common property as an efficient institutional arrangement. In India, joint forest

Three village communities in Rajasthan are awarded for their conservation efforts

A microhydel project a day. Communities snatch the

Whether it is Asia or Europe, countries find a new mantra: decentralise and electrify

Nightmarish laws and an insensitive government keeps thousands in the dark

A demand to revoke four forestry-related laws of Thailand has been made by various grassroots groups. The groups believe that these laws do not give recognition to community rights in natural

The Arvari Sansad, or Arvari Parliament, is a shining example of community ownership and management of natural resources. After reviving the rivulet with assistance from the voluntary

For the country where only 15 per cent of its population have access to electricity, Nepal has come a long way. It took 84 years to achieve power generation of 250 megawatt. And only five years to add a whopping 125 megawatt through microhydels, an incr

India with its deplorable rural roads can learn a lesson from Madagascar, which has successfully implemented a decentralised system of constructing roads

Following the monsoon failure of 1999 2000, two states Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh launched crash programmes to encourage water harvesting. An appreciable shift, because governments in India have always gone in for high cost, high technology solutions
