Report card: The government realised its failures and learned from the civil society. Despite cases of corruption and some errors in planning, the government programme is an achievement
Success level: Good

Report card: A scheme that can help solve the water crisis has become a tool to promote political interests of the ruling party
Success level: Poor

GOOD NEWS: There is more evidence to show that water harvesting can go a long way in dealing with drought and solving the water crisis, and even governments in India are learning
BAD NEWS: Crash programmes are not the answers by themsel

It has been 10 years since the Joint Forest Management jfm was officially started in India. Ajit Banerjee, who first experimented with the concept of jfm , today wants this programme to be replaced by community forest management.

S Vishwanath, a Bangalore based engineer and planner, started the Rainwater Club to help people manage rainwater efficiently. He spoke to Binayak Das about his work and the viability of rainwater harvesting

The focus is on development of hydropower, industries and food production: how sustainably can the targets be achieved?

Community management of natural resources is still in the nascent stage

It s not about fighting the problem later, it s about pre empting the problem. Measures against air pollution and plastics are all about taking proactive measures

It is an intriguing view from the high mountains of Bhutan. To the east lies Nepal, grappling large scale environmental degradation. To the north and south, China and India, overwhelmed by the pressure of 2 billion people. Several examples of what Bhutan

N H ANTIA Director of the Foundation for Research in Community Health, Pune, Maharashtra is striving to promote the concept of better health care for the underprivileged sections of the society. He spoke to VIBHA VARSHNEY regarding his programme of commu
