It is now 42 years since the term "Green Revolution" was coined by Dr William Gaud of the USA to describe advances in production arising from productivity improvement. Even in 1968 I had concluded that if farm ecology and economics go wrong, nothing else would go right in agriculture.

Punjab Governor and UT Administrator Shivraj Patil delivered the valedictory address on the closing day of the 13th Punjab Science Congress held at Panjab University on the theme

For each degree rise in the temperature in the region, Punjab will lose 750 kg per hectare of wheat. This startling revelation emerged at the 13th Punjab Science Congress organised by Panjab University in collaboration with the Punjab Academy of Sciences to thrash out issues related to climate change.

Jonathan Leake

Aleading British government scientist has warned the UN

The UN climate panel headed by Rajendra Pachauri faced fresh allegations on Sunday with a British paper claiming that the data contained in its report on the potential of wave power and drop in north Africa

The total area under rice cultivation in Assam, which registered a bumper record production of 40.7 lakh metric tonnes of rice in 2008-09

Tokyo: Japanese researchers said on Thursday they had found a way to make plant leaves absorb more carbon dioxide in an innovation that may one day help ease global warming and boost food production.

Punjab may be the breadbasket of the country, but not only are its traditional wheat-growing areas producing less, overall productivity in the state has stagnated and is even on the decline.

At first glance, the lush green fields barely convince that this is one of the dry regions of Andhra Pradesh. Then, a closer look, and you wonder how the gravel-ridden red soil supports the thick growth of pulses.

The Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council (KAAC) Agriculture Department under the initiative of the district administration launched crop harvesting mission on Thursday to get the actual output report of the extra yield variety Arize 6444 of hybrid rice technology whose demonstration was conducted under the National Food Security Mission (NFSM).
